Monday, August 22, 2011

On Motivation

Now that bathing suit season is in full swing I have decided to work on my fitness...tomorrow. I often find that the idea of exercise is more enticing than the act itself. My pink ball calls to me and I succumb. It rolls closer to me thanks to my owner's foot yet I still cannot force myself to engage. Perhaps it is the dreadful heat. Yes, that is definitely what it is that prevents me from an exercise assault. What if I get dehydrated? Have a heat stroke? Break a paw? How would I then communicate with the masses? Therefore, it is in your best interest dear reader that I do not exercise. Do you see how thoughtful and considerate I am that I would forgo my own health for your enlightenment? All for you, everything I do.
Wishing you a flat stomach with little to no effort,
--Sir Button

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A morning mist is just what the doctor ordered! While I am not enthusiastic by nature, I do enjoy a good shower and pleasant scenery. My owners' shower provides just that. I like to slink into the bedroom when no one is watching and perch on the windowsill of their shower window. It is lovely is it not? From my sanctuary in the sky I can see the backyard. Make no mistake, I do not want to actually experience the backyard, apart from the tree which we will discuss at a later date, I just want to view it from a distance.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Because I can

Today I decided that the best course of action would be to climb into a plastic trash bag full of clothing not because I needed to but because I wanted to. So I did.
I find that soft clothing suits me rather than the harshness of my owners wooden floors and even my own cat bed. I scoff at the notion that any thing on the floor is not there specifically for my benefit. I have sensitive sensibilities and require luxury at all costs.
--Luvs, Sir Button